Briefing Notes


Fit is binary

Now you know if you can help your potential client or not. The audition is over, and it’s time for the judge to enter the  verdict.

Remember, fit is binary. You’re either a match, or you’re not. You only want A-grade clients, so decide if they’re a fit and either show them the door, or open it.

Show them the door

The Triage Call’s job is to work that out fast, so you only spend quality time with quality people. If you’re not a fit, say so. Start by reminding them of your goal in the first minute, then show them the door:

“At the start of our call I said I’d ask you a bunch of questions to work out if or how I could help you. Based on what you said, I don’t think I’m the right guy for you,” then do your best to point them in the right direction.

Open the door

If you are a fit, say so. Remind them that your job was to work out if or how you could help, then let them know you deal with problems like theirs every week. “So the next step for us is to book another time to talk about how.”

Tell them that, in the next session, you want to build a roadmap for them.  Explain the benefits of the Strategy Session using the Reality, Results, Roadblocks Framework. Finally, you — or your assistant — will schedule them in for the 45-minute strategy session.

Prescription before diagnosis is malpractice

Most coaches rush to talk about their offers and next steps. This is a mistake, with 3 consequences: First, it positions you as just another salesperson. Second, They don’t have any reason to believe you can be useful, and third, there’s no compelling reason to take the next

How to pinpoint the problem

If you first pinpoint the problem, you become an asset, a valuable problem solver. Your prospect automatically assumes you have the solution. And it positions the value of the final step in the sales process: The Strategy Session.

The process is simple. All you have to do is list their top 3 problems — and the impact each of them is having.

What to say

“It sounds like your top 3 problems are:

  • You want result but obstacle,
  • You have problem and it’s costing you impact, and
  • You don’t have desired thing and
    it’s hurting you because cause.”

Why it works

Wyatt Woodsmall was right: When you can articulate a person’s problem better than they can, they automatically and unconsciously credit you with knowing the solution.

Start Strong
Most sales calls don’t fail because the close is weak. They fall apart in the first minute. If your opening is poor, your prospect won’t trust you, they’ll resist your questions, and they’ll hesitate on the next step. When you lead your prospect like I’m about to show you, they trust you, they are open to our questions, and will let you decide what the next step should be.

Here’s the opening of my Triage Call:

Hi Bob, it’s Taki Moore here, how are you?
Great. I have a note in my calendar that says we have a 10 minute call now, is that right?
OK, so we have 10 minutes and I have another call straight after you so we’ll need to keep to time, is that OK?
Thanks for that. So my job today is really
simple. I’m going to ask you a bunch of questions, to work out IF or HOW I can  help you. If I feel like I can’t help you, I’ll let you know politely, and do my best to point you in the right direction. If I feel like I can help you, we’ll book in another time to talk about how — is that OK?
Perfect, let’s get started.

What did you notice?
In 60 seconds, (1) I took the lead, (2) I set a time frame, (3) set that the conversation is about the right fit or not, (4) established that I would be asking the questions, (5) introduced the take away, that we might not be a fit, and (6) agreed on the next step if we are a fit.

How would your results improve if — after 60 seconds — your prospects were this well framed?

The 2 Abilities

Bill Brooks once said that the best salespeople in the world have 2 abilities that set them apart from everyone else: the ability to build trust faster, and the ability to qualify leads better. The Triage call does both, by going deep fast.

To decide if you’re a fit or not, you need to know 6 things:

1. Why now? What’s going on in their world to make this a “now” conversation?

2. Why me? Why do they think you’re the person to call?

3. The gap: What’s the gap between
their reality and the results they want?

4. What’s broken: What specifically is broken, missing, or not working?

5. What they need: What they want you to help them with.

6. Priority: Is this a later thing or a sooner thing?

No pressure needed

Ask those 6 questions in your next triage call, and you’ll know if you’re a good fit or not. You won’t have to hard sell or pressure anyone. If you’re not a fit, of course you won’t invite them to the next step. And if you are, you’ll both do what comes naturally.

The Real Trick To Changing The Entire Dynamic Of Your Sales Calls

Most coaches start the call nervous, hoping to sign a client. In the audition, they hop on stage and try to win over the prospect with charm, advice, and sales techniques.

When a prospect feels you singing and dancing like this, a power-shift takes place and right there is where the game is over.  Right there, they get the power and you lose it.

So what went wrong?
The sales process is an audition, but you’re not the one on stage — they are. You shouldn’t be the one doing the tap dancing. You’re Simon Cowell judging their performance. They don’t decide if they work with you, you decide who gets to work with you.  Don’t try to impress them.  Assess their application.

Shift positions right now.

Remember, they’re the ones with the problem to solve. They’re the ones who are needy. Be Simon Cowell. Shift positions right now. Don’t impress, assess.