Embrace Technology for Good

technology gadgets

If there’s one thing the pandemic has taught us all, it must be that technology is more important to us than we thought.  Ok, there’s no question we already valued our mobile phones, but did we ever think they would be our only way to communicate with friends and family?  Did school children envisage attending […]

Are We Ready For A New Normal?

business man working remotely

We have all been subjected to frightening and uncertain times these past few months.  Some have experienced family and loved ones falling ill and passing away, others will be in isolation.  For the majority, the social-distancing will cause the most struggle.  For those working for, and with their own, businesses, adjustments to home-working have had […]

IT Leadership in the Modern Age

simplifying technology

IT teams have a long tradition of being geeky and unapproachable – well depicted by the TV show “The IT Crowd“!  And even though thousands of IT professionals have been trying to shake off the image since the first IBM PC in 1981, there’s no doubt in my mind that many still enjoy the ‘protection’ […]